Fahad Khan

Fahad Khan is a writer for Hongkiat.com. He is an energetic engineer and teacher with a love for stimulating technology and handy tools, apps and services.

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10 Free Tools For Digital Storytelling

Stories are important. Whether one tells a story to evoke emotion or to gain a new client, there’s a certain simplicity in it that speaks to a lot o…

10 Tools to Teach Kids Basics of Programming

We live in a digital era where gadgets from computers and smartphones to tablets have become an essential part of our lives. Even kids these days pick…

How to Convert Media Files With FFmpeg

FFmpeg is a very powerful and great command line tool used for performing various conversion operations on audio and video files. The good thing about…

15 Free Android VPN Apps to Surf Anonymously

Every Internet user should access all kinds of online content. Unfortunately, this may not be the case, as some websites and services are either block…

Hilarious Google Suggestions That'll Make You LOL

Have you ever noticed the suggestions that appear when you type something into Google’s search bar? These are known as Google Suggestions or predict…

15 Alternative Windows Web Browsers You Didn’t Know

For windows users, their go-to Internet browsers are Firefox, Chrome, or Microsoft Edge. Though these browsers offer a lot of features, still their ma…

Android Apps to Manage Battery Consumption

You’re using your smartphone for almost everything these days. Though it’s quite convinient, but it does takes a toll on your phone’s battery li…

10 Free Tools to Create Your Own Maps

Maps are handy for a lot of reasons. Not only do they help us navigate through certain areas, but they also enable us to learn more about the world an…

15 Apps For IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

There are various exams and challenges that each of us faces in life. At some point, for whatever reason, that challenge may be the IELTS (Internation…